I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

L’autonomia regionale differenziata a partire dai lavori preparatori della riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione

di Luca Gori


SOMMARIO: 1. Oggetto e metodo del contributo. – 2. Le proposte alla base dell’art. 116, terzo comma, Cost. – 3. L’iter di approvazione dell’art. 116, terzo comma, Cost. – 3.1 Gli ambiti materiali di differenziazione. – 3.2 Gli aspetti procedimentali. – 3.3 I “silenzi” dell’art. 116, terzo comma, Cost. – 4. Aspetti conclusivi. Dall’abbandono all’attuazione dell’art. 116, terzo comma, Cost.


The object of this research is to find the specific consideration that the Constitutional lawmaker intended to give to the issue in the preparatory work for Constitutional Law no. 3 of 2001. The intention is to understand whether the serious and urgent problems that are being raised today in the institutional, political and scientific debate were, to some extent, already anticipated in the parliamentary debate or, at least, hypothesised; or whether, on the contrary, there was a sort of underestimation or erroneous consideration of the scope of the constitutional amendment that was being introduced and its profound connections with the other parts of Title V and, more generally, with the constitutional text.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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