I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Dinamiche del sistema politico e formazione delle regole di diritto parlamentare: una tassonomia dei pareri delle giunte per i regolamenti

di Francesca Poli

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. Il ruolo dei regolamenti parlamentari nella definizione della forma di governo. - 2. L’iter di formazione dei pareri. - 3. Pareri adottati a maggioranza e pareri adottati all’unanimità. - 4. Pareri secundum regolamento. - 5. Pareri praeter regolamento. - 6. Pareri contra regolamento. - 6.1. Pareri contra regolamento privi di carattere sperimentale. - 6.2. Pareri contra regolamento sperimentali adottati all’unanimità. - 6.3. Pareri contra regolamento sperimentali adottati a maggioranza: rottura della legalità regolamentare? - 7. Osservazioni conclusive. Verso quali prospettive di riforma?

The changes of the electoral system and the transition to a form of government characterized by a bipolar tendency, played a significant role with respect to the evolution of the formation dynamics of the parliamentary law rules. On the one hand, the reforms approved by the Chamber of Deputies between September and November 1997 have led to some changes such as the interruption of the revision process of parliamentary rules in accordance to typical paths. On the other hand, nowadays, the interpretative decisions of the Presidents of the Chambers and the advices of the Committee on the rules of procedure have become the main tools for the maintenance of the rules of parliamentary law. In the following pages it is proposed a taxonomy of the opinions given by the Committee on the rules of procedure from 1992 to 2014. The choice of delimiting the survey within this timeframe is justified by the need to highlight the incidence relationship between the characteristics of the political system and the formation dynamics of the rules of parliamentary law. The regulations of the Chambers and the parliamentary practices have thus been transformed into the adjustment instruments of the constitutional reality, with respect to the profound change process of the parties system that has been emphatically defined as the end of the First Republic.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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