I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

La questione di fiducia negli ordinamenti regionali

di Eduardo Gianfrancesco

SOMMARIO: 1. “Il ritorno” della questione di fiducia nelle Regioni. - 2. L’imbarazzo dell’ordinamento regionale nei confronti della questione di fiducia tra “vecchio” e “nuovo” regionalismo. - 3. Corte costituzionale e questione di fiducia regionale. - 4. La questione di fiducia “concreta” ed il procedimento legislativo regionale. – 4.1. La questione di fiducia regionale ed il fantasma della IV Repubblica francese.

The essay analyzes the “vote of confidence” in Italian regional law, starting from the new interest for this topic, as showed by recent proposals of amendment of several regional statutes, related to different relationship between Presidents of Region and their political support majority. The essay analyzes the jurisprudence of the Italian Constitutional Court about the theme, finding that some uses of the “vote of confidence” are compatible with precedents of the Court: it is especially the case of the so-called “concrete vote of confidence”, which inherits to concrete decisional (especially legislative) proceedings. It is necessary, however, to keep in balance advantages and risks for the Executive which appeals to the “vote of confidence” and so it is necessary to establish the simple majority as normal rule, when using it. The essay develops some references to experience of Spanish regional law and particularly to the “vote of confidence” established in the Constitution of the Fourth French Republic, in order to enhance likenesses and differences of that model with the present Italian regional one.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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