I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

I gruppi di opposizione nel metodo e nel merito della proposta di modifica del regolamento della Camera

di Giovanna Perniciaro

SOMMARIO: 1. Una legislatura “in movimento”. - 2. Le connessioni con le scelte in materia elettorale. - 3. Iter e metodo di riforma. - 4. I contenuti della proposta: analisi e qualche spunto propositivo.

The essay analyses, primarily, the role played by the minority political groups during the elaboration of the proposal for the reform of the Chamber of Deputies’ rules of procedure. The author refers that – in the light of the result of the election on February 2013 – the current parliamentary term is characterized by a strong mobility among political alliance. Moreover, before analysing the contents of the proposal, it is necessary to remember the intense connection between the matter “statute of opposition” and the electoral systems (being the latter currently under debate for a further reform). In its last part, the essay examines the main mechanisms and tools that the proposal aims to modify with regard to minority groups. Finally, considerable attention is paid also to those aspects that are partially neglected by the proposal; and also to some aspects that could be revised independently from the kind of electoral system chosen by the Parliament.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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